Ooooh a Quiz!

There’s no one-size-fits-all to organizing. As much as the organized people in your life try to make it seem so ( . . . guilty as charged.), it simply is not reality.

I checked out a book recently at the local library entitled, Organizing For Your Brain Type: Finding Your Own Solution to Managing Time, Paper, and Stuff by Lanna Nakone, M.A. Within the first few pages, I found this awesome quiz that you can take to find out what style of organization best suits your brain type.

Also, here’s an excellent quote from it for you to consider. Lanna’s own definition of being organized is:

Being able to find what you need in five minutes or less.

Some people can have heaps and piles of things all over the place but still have the ability to locate one particular thing in their mountainous mess within that time frame. As we’ve all heard, sometimes there’s a method in the [apparent] madness.

You may already know exactly which brain type you are, and that’s great! Most of us have a strong mix of two, maybe three different types. But feel free to take the quiz regardless. Maybe it can provide you with some insight into an organizational system of someone close to you that you just aren’t able to make heads or tails of (Not naming names . . . husband). One way to find out!

Oh, yes. Also, just so you’re aware, some of these questions are very dated. I tried to make substitutions for some of them that would make more sense, e.g. “cell phone” for palm pilot, gift “card” in place of gift certificate, “name of store” for Blockbuster (sigh), etc., but there was still an entire question I had to omit due to its basis around a premise that just wouldn’t be a concern in today’s world. Just have a good chuckle and try your best anyway.

You can access the quiz by clicking the link below! Cheers.


Organizing For Your Brain Type Quiz